Activity Notes says "For a hike that gains almost exactly 4,000 feet, this excursion seems relatively forgiving for those in decent shape. The gain is, in fact, constant, and usually not steep enough to quicken your heart beat once you set your pace. The goal is the volcanic plug at the top of Larch Mountain known as Sherrard Point. The mountain itself is one of the three Boring stratovolcanoes (the others being Mount Sylvania and Highland Butte) and is the highest point in the west Gorge; thus, the views are expansive. In addition, throw in some imposing old-growth Douglas-firs and hemlocks, and a variety of Gorge blooms at Sherrard Point in the summer. The lower 4 1/2 miles of the route was scorched by the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire, with the understory burned out in lower sections and areas of crown fire as you get higher up. The Larch Mountain Trail crosses the westernmost tongue of the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness.

Registration is Closed

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