The Oregon Coast Trail crosses Neahkahnie Mountain from Short Sand Beach and descends to Manzanita. This hike, mostly within the boundaries of Oswald West State Park, takes you from the majestic old growth around Necarney Creek to the clifftop views of the Devils Cauldron; then you cross meadows frequented by elk to hike up Neahkahnie Mountain to a spectacular viewpoint. You'll descend to the South Neahkahnie Mountain Trailhead. From there, there's a mile and a half of road walking, including a mile and a quarter along the shoulder of busy Highway 101 (There is a path for pedestrians), but the scenic views make the loop worthwhile.

Activity Notes

Join us for this rigorous hill hike. The steep trail climbs through hemlock forest to views from one of the high points on the Oregon Coast. We will cross a hanging bridge, climb stairs, ascend, see any views overlooking Manzanita, and perhaps stop at the state park beach before returning to the Short Sands parking lot. The forecast is cool, with a high of 69 and low in the 40s. Bring at least 2 liters of water and snacks/lunch, a first aid kit, thin hat, a shell jacket, and layers for cool weather - poles optional but recommended. Be prepared to drive, and bring $15 for driving payment, $3 trip fee, and a state parking pass if you have one. Meet at the northwest corner of Sunset Transit Center 7:00 am fo 7:15 departure. 8 miles, 1,631 feet of elevation gain. 

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 156 miles
Distance - Round Trip 8 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day