The northern section of this Portland City park borders on the Oregon Health Sciences University Campus off of Sam Jackson Parkway and Terwilliger Boulevard and encompasses two ravines on the slopes of Marquam Hill. In addition, a large swath of steep hillside in the southern Sentinel Hill sector of Marquam Nature Park remained undeveloped over the decades, except for the through route of the Marquam Trail, and was criss-crossed by a network of user paths that often contributed to erosion. As of 2014, an official new trail network has been in place, allowing for an up and down loop from either the Marquam Nature Park Shelter Trailhead or the Marquam Trailhead on Terwilliger Boulevard.

Activity Notes

Let's help get people outside after winter! This hike is friendly for first-timers; invite your friends who have always wanted to try the Mazamas! All are welcome. We will go at a slow-moderate pace. I will bring some copies of the wildlife checklists.

We will start hiking from the Tryon Creek Trailhead at 9:15AM. This trailhead can be accessed by TriMet Bus 35.

5 miles, 700' of gain, no snow

Please email me any questions!

***Minorities tend to experience higher amounts of stress. There's also lots of evidence that spending time outside in nature and socially engaging outside of work can reduce stress levels. Therefore, I highly encourage and welcome race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, economic, religious, and all other minorities to join me on my hikes!

Other Information
Distance - Round Trip 5 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day