This is a full day in the field practicing rock skills. Held at Horsethief Butte, you'll get the opportunity to apply the skills you learned indoors on actual rock. The day will include movement basics, belaying, rappelling, traversing, fixed line travel, and more.

Activity Notes

We'll spend the day at Horsethief Butte getting some exposure and experience using the various skills on real rock.

Sunday morning, most of the instructors will depart from Maryhill State Park early to arrive at Horsethief Butte by 7:00am for the Rock Skills Sessions.Students should plan to arrive at Horsethief Butte at 8:30am. Because of limited parking, allow extra time to park at Crawford Oaks Trailhead and shuttle the 0.8 miles to the HTB parking lot.

Plan for the day

Directions from Maryhill to Horsethief Butte

Gear list (for the weekend)

Weather (Hourly)

Other Information
Expected Duration Car to car in one day